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Spring Equinox Codes

Feeling blessed to have been gifted with so many codes for the Equinox ♡♡♡. 


This came through last night, followed by some guidance that a grid and activation was needed..
I invite you do slow down and receive what these codes have to offer you…
I will say that in the middle is a cubeoctahedron. This is the epitome of balance…feel into this geometry to see how it can offer you guidance, what wisdom it holds for you…

Blessings on this beautiful day of the Equinox ♡

With the balance of night and day we also enter the balancing libra season ♡ reminding us that the most powerful time to stay balanced, is when disrupting factors surround us.
These codes came through in a very joyous flow today. Calling in the new…new cycles…new beginnings…new adventures.
I invite you to tune into these codes and to allow them to gift you with the activations awaiting you ♡
With so much love,
From my heart to yours ♡🙏🌈💜🌈🙏
Many blessings ♡♡♡
If you haven’t already see them you may enjoy my Spring Equinox/New Moon Light Language Transmissions
#sacredgeometry #lightcodes #lightlanguage #activation #ancientlighthealing #equinox #cubeoctahedron #geometryart #spring #codes