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Quick Light Codes in the morning

Quick Coding:
Learning to let go and use whatever time presents itself, to let the codes and activations come through.

Join me at our breakfast table for a quick outpour of light, Lyrian and Egyptian codes to support us all in these crazy times.

Allow these codes to pour through your core, create internal structures, geometries, for inner strength and resilience. May they help you shine brighter without fear, help you anchor your light and move forward with more ease and grace ♡♡♡

With so much love,
From my heart to yours


#lightcodes #morningcodes #lightlanguage #sacredgeometry #crystals #crystalgrid #sugilite #cuprite #light #anchoringthelight #ancientlighthealing

About the symbol:
This is a form of written light language.

Something with multiple layers of meaning.
It can be used in meditation to call in the frequencies that it anchored.
It has an underlying intelligence which can activate and call in energies specific for each viewer if they allow it to.
This one gives an internal structure to help with strength, vitality and resilience.
Also creating a field around the body for protection and upping your light quota.
Thank you ♡ 🙏

Learning to let go of my perfectionism, and letting the codes come through as they will.

I was blessed that my beautiful partner made me breakfast this morning, and as I sat down these codes came pouring out so fast. 

Really Lyrian for me, it just feels like an activation from within, for more strength and more structure, to really help support us in this ‘interesting’ time that we find ourselves in.

For me it was just very fast, and I had to run and grab these crystals and just share it.
So I hope you enjoy them!

(light language transmission)

at the breakfast table,
Sending you all so much love!
Bye for now xo