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Full Moon in Aries Oct 2020

Live Light Language Transmission for collective healing, from Melbourne VIC 2020.

I had this amazing opportunity to be up in a space high in the city for this transmission, I felt like I was up on top of the city of Melbourne, and that it was very easy from this location to blanket the city (and state and country and planet) with so much love.
At this time, Melbourne remains in lockdown after over 6 months of pandemic restrictions, and her people are tiring. The intentions for this transmission included an offering of a release of tension for the collective at this time. As with the elevated location, offering ourselves a chance to rise above things and seek a higher perspective, can help make sense of things or shift gears internally.
In this transmission I also used a Crystalline Ankh (from Tom at, and a crystal grid with shungite pyramids, and several flower of life geometries.

It is my hope those of you watching at a future point of time will also get something of value from this transmission, and connect in with ease. Remembering that the more of us that come together for this work, it is not a 1+1 process of addition, it is an exponential multiplication, and we amplify our energy and intention as more of us come together.

For more about the astrological meaning of this full moon, please visit:
Astrology King
Mikailah Star Witch

I also invite you to book a 1:1 activation, or support my work by following on Patreon, and receive exclusive live content.


We all can call in our team of helpers, and I will allow spirit to flow through me to send through codes.

As we do collective work I think it is important to stay centered within ourselves – if you feel like you are venturing too far, just coming back to your breath can be beneficial, as is pulling your energy in again a bit more, so you can feel safe and protected.

When we do collective work, we are doing work on ourselves at the same time. There will definitely be codes and activations for each of us personally – as we receive these codes personally, we help to anchor them in the collective as well: that hundredth-monkey-effect kicks in.

There will definitely be personal codes and activations as well. If it feels personal don’t pull yourself out of it – allow whatever to come through to come through, stay with it – stay with whatever comes to you. If it feels too big, come back to your heart. Come back to your breath. Come back to your body, and know that you are safe and that you are here and that you are being held.

I’m very excited for tonight – it was such a clear bell for me that this was such an opportunity to do something beneficial. It was aligned with the Full Moon, and this beautiful view.


So, taking a deep breath in.
Really connecting with your breath, really slowing down and leaving the day behind.
Sinking deep into your Heart Space.
From here feel Golden White Light, pour down upon you, through your body, through your being, through your field: outside and inside, flowing through every chakra, creating and activation, a clearing, and an alignment.
As it pours down from your Crown, through your Third Eye – your Throat – your Heart – your Solar Plexus – your Sacral – and your Root chakra, and then anchoring through your Earth Star Chakra, feel your energy drop in to Gaia, as we connect to the New Earth.

Connecting deeply in, to the New Earth.

From here we call on all our benevolent ancestors, asking for their guidance and their wisdom, as we honour the paths that they walked before us.
As we sit here, we feel how we are anchored so deeply in to the New Earth, and how grounded we are, with the help of Gaia.
From this space, we honour the original custodians of this land, who ever you are.

Then coming up through our bodies again, up through our Crown, and connecting with everything that is. Here we can really connect to our star ancestry.

As we call in our benevolent ancestors of the stars.

From this space we call in all benevolent beings of a high vibration to come and surround us to support this calling on energy and activations, for all the collective.

From this space we connect out to our planetary grid.

(transmission of connection)

Activations come through for our Lightbody, as we anchor more light for ourselves, we are helping Gaia, and we are helping the collectiver.

Allow these Codes to anchor in to your field, inviting a blueprint upgrade.

(Major Light Codes and Activations)

Feeling that clear connection through
Uluru, for seeing this really big energy that is coming through in December. Many of you may have read about it, or have had insights, or guidance, for that big conjunction.

Really feeling the connection with Uluru, right now.
Feeling the energy of the Heart, and Heart Chakra, and around.

Taking a deep breath in.

Just allowing those codes to settle.

(soothing transmission)

(bell and consolidation)

Feeling all of our Heart Spaces connect with each other forming a grid and amplifing the energy of Love and Gratitude, as we send this out to Melbourne, to Victoria, to wherever you are.

(transmission of blessings for crystalline grid)

Coming back to yourself, back to your own energy field. Really feeling that connection to Gaia again,
Feeling how much she offers your grounding, and gratitude

Grounding and gratitude for doing this sacred work.

Allow yourself to gently come back.

With deep gratitude for the team that have surrounded us: the ancestors and higher vibrational beings.

How lucky we are, to have so much help.
Thank you so much for joining me tonight.

I’m very grateful that we could all join together for the collective, I felt some activations in my Lightbody, and I felt some in yours.

I love doing this work.

I hope you received some activations to help you stay more healthy and more connected and more grounded in these crazy times.